June 1, 2017
of forest latches on to the territory and brooks trick up from unexpected places; add in a few birches and many many apple trees. Now you can get lost. Then add in a couple churches from the 1500s, tiny museums tucked away unexpectedly along the path, a whiff of Old Believer spirit and a miracle streaming icon. Add a dozen views of the Moskva River from whitestoned balconies and there you have it: Kolomenskoye.
When you go to Kolomenskoe, you should have a plan. The museums and churches are scattered through woods in fields, invisible unless it's fate to find them or your have approached your task responsibly and planned your tour. Or, like us, you can just let your feet take you where they will.
Thankfully, we stumbled accross the church of Ascension, perhaps the most famous church their In the 1532, Tsar Vasiliy and his Tsartitsya built the church of Ascension in honor of their long awaited baby boy, a Vanechka who would grow up to be known as "the Terrible." It was here, that on March 15, 1917, on the day of Tsar Nicholas's abdication, Our Lady Derzhavnaya appeared in the basement of this church.
In 1868, Hector Berlioz said:
"Here before my gaze stood the beauty of perfection and I gasped in awe. Here in the mysterious silence, amid the harmonious beauty of the finished form, I beheld architecture of a new kind. I beheld man soaring on high. And I stood amazed."
Even thought the Derzhavnaya icon was found in the Ascension church, it has since been moved to the blue domed Kazanskiy church. Here services occur almost every day. This church doesn't shell shock and impress, but rather quiets the rowdy excitement you bring in from the outside. Nothing truly notable decorates the walls, and everyone in the church just automatically gravitates over to the icon. For long minutes, sometimes hours, men and women just stand in front of it; praying, thinking, reevaluating. We sang a troparion like Fr. Paul's true daughter and Goddaughter and left 10 minutes before closing.
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